Cost estimates
Ministry of hotel finance affairs worked 2006 train of thought
2006, it is XX big public house finishs an enterprise to change the key that make one year in the round, in this one the moment of truth, be prepared for danger in times of safety of hotel leading group, unitive...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:5 Comments:0  
The cost below high quality premise dominates art
Meal management is an art, and the fountainhead that the control of meal cost regards this as door art, it is to do well the serious content that hotel meal manages, to controlling this art appears more important...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:2 Comments:0  
Reduce cost, increase hotel profit plan
Strengthen cost control, increase hotel profit, it is one of hotel management keys, and meal ministry as the hotel the largest management section, its cost controls the key that will be hotel management key. Will...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:10 Comments:0  
Beijing restaurant is energy-saving decrease a platoon 6 small are changed with
A few days ago energy-saving decrease a platoon to arouse on the meeting, chief expresses related city tourism bureau, bath dew, wash the things such as hair fluid conditional can replace pyxis to install with bi...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:4 Comments:0  
Restaurant controller should take the control of public facilities cost seriousl
Each person of hotel industry understands their management cycle clearly. Control 10 every years almost, hotel industry can enter a winter, meet next know exactly about sth year anabiosis time, final ability can...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:4 Comments:0  
The cost control below high quality premise is artistic
Meal management is an art, and the fountainhead that the control of meal cost regards this as door art, it is to do well the serious content that hotel meal manages, to controlling this art appears more important...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:5 Comments:0  
Shallow analyse hotel purchases cost control
Cost control is the lasting topic that research wants in hotel management. Regard financial management as personnel, financial number is not to measure hotel profit the biggest the only standard that change. Want...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:8 Comments:0  
How to measure the cost of restaurant of different star class
Do not have cost standard to explain this problem should make clear astral class restaurant above all, because astral class restaurant is the class that press a bit,criterion for evaluation comes of assess, not b...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:4 Comments:0